Program Co-Conveners
Dr. Kanisha Bond is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Binghamton University (SUNY). Leveraging both quantitative and qualitative approaches, Dr. Bond's research focuses on mobilization and institution-building among radical socio-political groups in polarized societies. She is particularly interested in how race, class, ideology, and gender influence these processes. Her scholarship has been published in outlets such as the American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, International Negotiation, British Journal of Political Science, Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, and Foreign Policy.
Dr. Milli Lake is an Associate Professor in the International Relations Department at the London School of Economics. Her research examines institutional reform, (in)security and political violence in fragile and conflict-affected states, predominantly in sub-Saharan Africa. Her research is published in American Political Science Review, International Organization, Law and Society Review, International Studies Quarterly, World Development, and Gender and Society among other outlets. Lake is the author of Strong NGOs and Weak States: Pursuing Gender Justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa (Cambridge UP, 2018). Lake co-directs the Women’s Rights After War project. She works closely with the World Bank’s Gender Innovation Lab. Twitter: @millilake
Dr. Sarah E. Parkinson is the Aronson Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Her research examines organizational behavior and social change in war- and disaster-affected settings, focusing on the Middle East and North Africa. She has conducted fieldwork in Lebanon, Iraq, Qatar, Turkey, and Tunisia in addition to studying cross-sector field methods & ethics. Her work can be found in the American Political Science Review, World Politics, Comparative Political Studies, the European Journal of International Relations, Perspectives on Politics, Social Science and Medicine, and Comparative Politics. Parkinson is the author of Beyond the Lines: Social Networks and Palestinian Militant Organizations in Wartime Lebanon. Bluesky:
Dr. Kate Cronin Furman is Associate Professor of Human Rights & Director of the Human Rights MA in the Department of Political Science at University College London. She also has a J.D. and practiced law in New York, Cambodia, and The Hague. Her research on human rights and mass atrocities has been published in International Studies Quarterly, World Politics, European Journal of International Relations, Journal of Global Security Studies, Political Science & Politics, and the International Journal of Transitional Justice. She writes regularly for the mainstream media, with commentary appearing in The Los Angeles Review of Books, Slate, Foreign Policy, The Washington Post's Monkey Cage blog, War on the Rocks, and Al Jazeera. Twitter: @kcroninfurman
Iván Ruiz-Hernández is currently a PhD student in the Political Science Department at Johns Hopkins University and an alumnus of the 2022 ARC Summer Program. His research centers on agricultural development and food sovereignty. In 2023, Iván was named an American Political Science Association Diversity Fellow.
Nandini Dey
Dr. Nandini Dey is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan’s Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies (WCED). She received her PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 2023. Dr. Dey’s research investigates the historical colonial antecedents of contemporary citizenship regimes. Her work sheds light on imperial legacies of securitization for citizenship in postcolonial societies. Her research has been supported by the APSA–NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant and the Nicole Suveges Fieldwork Fellowship.